A new tangle named 'Seven Steps' is deconstructed here. You start with a '7' and at the tail end of it again '7' and so on. The "steps" are the completed by just aura-ing the 7s multiple times. It reminds of of the tangle Betweed Steps of Deconstruction : This is another tile with an escalator going 'Up' and 'Down' :-) Notice the change in direction by shading. Hope you enjoy Seven Steps.
L'sAndAuras came to me when I was trying various versions of Tangle L's by Cindy Knapp. I made an oopsie, and voila I discovered a new tangle. The tangle des-construction is given below: This is a 3.5 inches tile. I've drawn a mono tangle of Variation1 of L's And Auras. This diamond shaped tangle has L's and Auras and includes the Basic Version of L's and Auras surrounded by Jonqal and a fragment. L's and Auras can be used as a fragment as well. The left hand side is the Fragment, and the right hand side is the fragment done multiple times. Please tag me when you use tangle L's and Auras. Instagram: shenoyvans_czt Facebook: Vandana Shenoy